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Web links help our search engine rankings. An easy way to link to us is to mention us in your QRZ biography:
- Create an account and login to QRZ.com.
- Lookup your own call sign.
- Click the "Manage" button (near the upper right-hand corner).
- Click the "Go" button next to the "Edit" dropdown next to your call sign.
- Click "Add or edit your biography text, fonts, etc.".
- Write something about yourself, and include the characters "www.hamtestonline.com" in your text. QRZ will automatically turn it into a link. For example:
After 30 years as an Advanced, I'm now an Extra thanks to www.hamtestonline.com!
We don't know for sure whether Google Bookmarks affect search engine rankings, but it would certainly make sense. A site that lots of people bookmark must be popular. Just in case, do a search on some keywords where you think we should appear, page down until you find us, then click the dim star beside the listing to turn it yellow. For some less targeted keywords, like "ham radio", you might have to scroll through 10 pages or more. :-(
John, W1AI