QaTestOnline™ Contact Information
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If you don't find your answer there, please email us at We respond to most emails within a few hours. If you don't get a response to your email within 24 hours, please check your spam folder!
Or you can leave a voicemail at 888-857-6164 or 602-445-6332. Please be sure to include your email address (preferably spelled phonetically), so that we can look up your account. In most cases, we will respond by email. You could also leave your phone number, and the best time (and timezone) to call you back, in case we can't address your questions adequately by email.
Read Christina's Story to learn how she passed all three exams in a single session!
You may also contact us by postal mail at:
3009 E Lynx Way
Gilbert, AZ 85298
Christina Cunningham, KT1NA, SK
I am very sad to report that Christina died in October, 2019, after a brief battle with pancreatic cancer. As many of you know, John is the creator of QaTestOnline™, but Christina was its heart and soul. She transformed our organization with her motto, “Treat every customer like they are your best friend”, and her story inspired many thousands of students to do amazing things.
The phrase silent key (SK) is a term of respect for a ham radio operator who has died. It dates back over 100 years to the days of the wired telegraph, and is a play on words. First, it indicates that their Morse code key will never again be heard. Second, the procedural signal SK means “end of contact”, and is only used in the last transmission from a station.
There is another tradition in ham radio, transmitting the call sign of a deceased ham radio operator on the air, where it will propagate forever through space and time. If Christina's warmth touched your life, you might consider giving her a call on your radio (once you have your license!), so that her call sign will go on forever.

Christina, KT1NA
Owner/General Manager
Extra class accredited VE |

John, W1AI
Extra class accredited VE |